Tired of fighting medical providers? Hire a negotiator

 Check out Aaron Crowe’s recent article about Medical Cost Advocate which recently appeared on WalletPop.com. One thing is for sure, Aaron is right on when he states, “…one of the worst bills to receive is a medical bill.” Medical Cost Advocate is the resource that can assist you in reducing your medical bills.

Aaron Crowe

Of all the bills that arrive in the mail, one of the worst has to be a medical bill.

Whether from your insurance company or medical provider, the expensive bills are difficult to understand and patients don’t know if they’re getting ripped off.

Add in the fact that by a conservative definition, 62% of all bankruptcies in 2007 were because of medical bills, with 92% of those debtors incurring more than $5,000 in unpaid medical bills, and a hospital bill is enough to send you back to the hospital.

With an 80% success rate of getting patients’ bills lowered, Medical Cost Advocate, or MCA, negotiates with medical providers to get lower bills. It’s a service that makes everyone happy, said Derek Fitteron, CEO and founder of MCA. Patients pay less and doctors get paid.

“It’s not a lose situation for the doctor,” Fitteron told me in a telephone interview from his office in New Jersey.

With most of MCA’s negotiators being attorneys, they know how to negotiate a lower bill by providing data showing how much the same procedures cost across the country, and get the doctor paid soon instead of having to send out multiple bills to patients, Fitteron said.

I recently wrote a story for WalletPop about a Web site that lets customers bid for prices on health care before they visit a doctor. MCA turns that around and helps people lower their bills after their care. It’s rare for people to know how much something will cost before walking into a hospital, Fitteron said.

“When you go in for work, or a procedure, you don’t know how much it’s going to cost,” he said.

MCA doesn’t charge upfront fees for its service, but charges 35% of whatever savings it gets. Customers don’t pay if no savings are found. Once a settlement is reached, the customer’s credit card is charged to pay the medical provider and MCA’s 35%.

Here’s an example on the company’s Web site on how the process works:

If you submit a bill for $750 and MCA gets it reduced by $170, you’ll pay the difference, or $580 to your medical provider. MCA’s 35% cut of the $170 savings is $59.50, making your net savings $110.50.

Most bills submitted to MCA are for $1,000 or more, although they can be for as little as $200.

The most typical bills it gets are for elective surgeries, Fitteron said, such as gastric bypass and cosmetic surgeries that out-of-network providers must do because in-network doctors aren’t covered under most insurance. Large surgeries that are known about ahead of time are also popular bills submitted, he said.

Either through deductibles, co-insurance payments or uninsured or partially uninsured medical procedures, the typical family spends $1,500 per year on out-of-pocket medical expenses, Fitteron said. For 10% of Americans, those expenses add up to $14,000, he said. That’s a big enough reason to submit a bill for review.

Fitteron recommends getting a tax deferred health spending account through work to help pay medical bills, and for checking what coverage you have before you have to go to a hospital.

If they have the time before a major operation, for example, people should check how much insurance coverage they have for it, Fitteron recommended. Out-of-network prices are like the first offer a car salesman makes, so it’s worth negotiating.

He cited a recent MCA case that dropped a Florida woman’s hospital bill from $53,000 to $22,000 for knee replacement surgery. She had catastrophic, high deductible medical insurance, and her insurer only paid $3,000 — what it was legally obligated to pay under her insurance plan.

After MCA determined what the “market oriented rate” for a knee surgery was and received some support from the hospital, the bill dropped dramatically.

It’s one less bill to worry about when the mailman arrives.

Aaron Crowe is a freelance journalist in the San Francisco Bay Area. Reach him at www.AaronCrowe.net

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A Guide Through a Medical Wilderness


As the government churns through health care reform, the media has realized that consumers can negotiate their health care with doctors and hospitals.  The article indicates that it is best to choose an advocate with a successful track record in health care cost reduction.  Medical Cost Advocate is a leader in health care cost reduction through expert negotiation.




New York Times




THESE days, dealing with medical bills and insurance claims makes April 15 look easy. The medical jargon and inscrutable coding on invoices and explanations of benefits are indecipherable for most lay people. Worse, seriously ill patients may simply be too sick or too broke to deal with the mountains of red tape. That can lead to unpaid medical debts and even bankruptcy.


It’s no wonder that a cottage industry has sprung up to fill this void. Known as medical billing advocates, these middlemen and women help patients deal with the paperwork and haggling often associated with medical costs.



In general, medical billing advocates help you find errors in your bills, negotiate with your insurer to appeal coverage denials, or negotiate lower fees with your medical care providers. Some advocates do all three tasks equally well. But others, because of their training or background, may specialize in one area or another.


Still others give the client the ammunition he or she needs to negotiate. That’s what happened to Susan Redstone, a freelance fashion stylist and author. When she broke her back in a horseback riding accident last summer, she held only a bare-bones insurance policy. So Ms. Redstone, who has since recovered, knew that she would be responsible for the bulk of her medical expenses.



Five months after the accident, just when she thought she had paid everything off, she got a bill for $16,000 from the helicopter ambulance service that ferried her from the remote location in Colorado where the accident occurred to a large medical facility 75 miles away. “I was completely taken by surprise to get this bill so long after the accident happened,” Ms. Redstone said. She consulted with Victoria Caras, a medical advocate in Aspen, Colo., who coached her on how best to approach the medical transportation company to lower her bill. With Ms. Caras’s advice, Ms. Redstone was able to negotiate a 25 percent discount in exchange for paying the bill in full. (more…)

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